Wooohooo, it's hump day people! We are 3 days into this week and I still have some motivation and spring left in my step ...However, it is still only morning time and I have had only 1 cup of coffee so far. So having said that, my plans might quickly change considering I am staring at loads of laundry and two toddlers who can quickly work over the United States Army in about 40 seconds flat! But,I say ,"Bring it on, but be gentle, PLEASE!"
Our focus today will be on you! I don't know about you, but I get excited when I get to focus on "me!" Who doesn't? Sometimes I am prone to think about ME, all day long and it seems to me that I am the only one that is okay with that concept. BUT, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions-LOL!
Seriously though, I want to take you to the Book of Romans today to Chapter 1:1, it reads, "Paul, a bond servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God."
Just in that one sentence alone, what is it stating to you about Paul? Before you answer, remember that Paul is writing this about himself. He is introducing himself through a letter to the people of Rome before his visit.
The answer is very simple, Paul is identifying himself as bond servant for the Lord Jesus Christ, an apostle ,SET APART, for the mission of preaching the gospel of God.
Duh, pretty easy, huh? This ain't rocket science people!-LOL! Hang with me, you might just learn something.... But what else do you notice BEHIND his words?.....
He says it with certainty, authority and purpose! Now this is what I am talking about! A man on a mission! Paul knew who he was, Whose he was and what his purpose was AND more importantly, he is able to say it with one sentence, a ONE LINER! Believe me, I am impressed. I have NEVER been able to say anything with just one sentence, or one word for that matter!
Hello??? How does just this one sentence alone speak to you? For me,I was taken back by the clear, simplicity and confidence behind it. He didn't waste a word and quickly stated his business! I like that in a man-LOL! And for a writer it is even better!! But we won't go there....
The Apostle Paul and I could have been running buddies for sure! I admire his confidence and authority in how he conducted himself. He knew without a shadow of a doubt what his life was about and what he was set apart to do and for who! He wasted no time with small talk , he had plans to unfold, a mission at stake and all for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was CROSSeyed as I like to say it!
So many people today, Christians included, have no real understanding of what they are set apart to do. They spend their whole lives trying to have purpose and some of them never find it. I find that so sad and I am sure God finds it even sadder. We were created with purpose people!!!
When we understand our purpose we can change the world and the people around us. How powerful is that? Think about some people you might know who without a shadow of a doubt have a passion for something? They wake up everyday with a goal in mind and do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Most of those people I know are happy and fulfilled. They might be tired sometimes, but they will be quick to tell you, they will be out there tomorrow doing the same thing. No questions asked!
People like that amaze me. They motivate and inspire me. Makes me want to follow them! That is a gift and we all can tap into it just like Paul when we choose to identify our lives with Christ and with His purposes in mind. The Apostle Paul was a very focused, determined, passionate, fearless, truthful, motivated, obedient, courageous, committed servant of the Lord. The list could go on for days. Personally, his resume would make one feel a bit intimidated but with God there is nothing but excellence!
To me, he is the ultimate example to follow because he knew God had him SET APART for His kingdom. What does it mean to be set apart?
The Greek word id Aphorizo which means:
1. to mark off from others by boundaries, to limit, to separate
1. in a bad sense: to exclude as disreputable
2. in a good sense: to appoint, set apart for some purpose
Just so you know, we are ALL called to be servants of the Lord, set apart for the same purpose. However, some of our gifts might look different then Paul's and our mission might not be so challenging.
Not only are we set apart for God but we are also set apart FROM something to. What would that be for you? We are to be set apart from this world for one. I am sure there are more answers as you begin to ask yourself these questions.
We can learn so much from the Apostle Paul and I am so grateful to have his example recorded for us so that we too can learn our purpose in this life and more so in the Kingdom of God.
I leave you with this question to ponder today as you go about your day or business being set apart for worship and glorifying God.
If you had to use a one liner to describe you and your purpose what would it be???
Blog me some answers people! Have a blessed one and know you are purposed for great things!!!
BTW- If you don't know your gifts, you might want to consider taking a spiritual gifts test. You can find them on-lone and some churches even have them. Start there and then allow God to show you your resume and see what kind of Job he has assigned you to.....
Be Bold and Courageous today and GET PURPOSED! - Kimchi Blow
Encouragement and Hope for the Real Woman, Mother, Military Wife, Sister, Daughter and Friend... by Kimchi Lya Blow

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
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