What would you do if all your basic necessities like, food, water, shelter, clothing were taken away from you in an instant without any hope in sight to get it back? I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. I pray I never do. It has been said that the human spirit can rise above destruction, devastation and hopelessness and live. But how?
Over the past few days, I have dared to watch the events unfold on television in Haiti from the massive earthquake that hit. The injured people, death, chaos and desperation goes beyond any scope that my mind can relate to. One has to ask if I were there, what would I do? Would I be able to withstand losing all four of my children, knowing they were crushed and buried under some concrete building? Just writing that makes my heart break! How would I ever be able to sustain the human spirit to deal with such loss? Why would I want to?
How does a pregnant woman in labor feel giving birth as the world around her is falling apart and there is no one there to help her in this vulnerable state that she and her baby are in? What does she do? How do already orphaned children who are vulnerable, abandoned and needy as is deal with more disappointment and loss? What do you tell them?
How do you put back together a nation that was already known for its poverty and poor quality of life? Where does the hope come from when you have to tell a husband that his wife and children are trapped and there is no way to get to them? And he has to hear their cries of suffering and he stands helpless?
All of these questions and then some are only a few of the circumstances surrounding Haiti right now. How does this nation try and bury nearly a 100, 000 people and try keep order and control. Where are the answers? Someone please tell me?
Quite simply, there are none.
This is where God has to come in This is where God has to be thought of. This is where God is the answer because He is the one who knows the end from the beginning for us all. I can’t imagine the depths of the situations He deals with and to Him, it is not a problem. Haiti is not far from His heart or deliverance. It simply amazes me the God we serve. To Him, Haiti is a part of the plan, a part of the puzzle that fits within the bigger picture. I marvel at it all . I am HUMBLED by it. I stand in awe of it. It just simply leaves me speechless, but then again that is what standing before an Awesome, Holy God is supposed to do.
Some how when I lay my head on the pillow tonight and pull my warm covers over me, those images will fade away as my mind goes into sleep mode. Hopefully,I will awake refreshed , renewed and alive tomorrow, God willing. I will have but for a moment forgotten about Haiti as I get my warm shower and hot cup of coffee. I will have forgotten until I choose to turn the news on again or read a newspaper, etc. I will have had the opportunity to turn my back on the human suffering that touched me so deeply the night before. And I will still have that choice to shut it off and resume my cushy life as if all is great in the World.
But for God, there is never turning His back. He is constantly thinking about us, His children and His ultimate plan. How does He feel when He watches His plans unfold ? How does He feel when He watches the pain and suffering unveil itself and the cries are so deep it moves the earth to its knees? How does God feel? One can only wonder and imagine how the God and Creator of all the earth must feel?
The character of God is love and everything He does is for love. The depths of that love I can imagine run so deep that it can’t possibly be met by the human soul. It would have to supercede any understanding of any human emotion we would ever experience. One can only imagine.
But I guess that is why God is God. He has always been God, always will be and HE remains true to who He is, the All powerful, All willing, ALL knowing, All exuberant, All trusting, All faithful God HE is. To know Him is to love Him, by human standards, but God is love!
Where this was supposed to go, I don’t know, but I just felt like pondering Him and this world’s position for just a moment. I realized something though, God can’t be explained and the depths of His purposes can’t be either. However, as humans we make the mistake that we can try to even comprehend His thoughts and ways. How foolish we are. But in a way, that is the great mystery and love affair that draws us that much closer and deeper to Him. May it never fail!
I guess in the end, that is why scripture tell us, “Be still and know He is God!”
Nite and Pray for Haiti.......
Encouragement and Hope for the Real Woman, Mother, Military Wife, Sister, Daughter and Friend... by Kimchi Lya Blow

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
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