"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.

Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.

No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there.
Hope is just on the Horizon!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

You Are What You Eat and Become What You Hear- Part 1 -GUEST BLOGGER- Glenda Maynard

In my thoughts today about my life; where it came from, where it's been, and to where it's going, I began to see a pattern. At the moment it was a pattern about my weight. UGH... no body wants to see that! Not just my weight but my health as well.
I saw that as a child, I was fairly healthy, but not as "rosy cheeked" and vibrant as I could have been. I grew up poor. I'll not blame my parents at all as they did the best they could to meet our needs.

As a child growing up we had a garden most of the time and I had to eat the vegatables daddy grew whether I wanted to or not. Mostly greens, such as turnips, collards, and mustard greens. We had beans, squash, tomatoes and okra, most everything you see in gardens today.
I guess the fact that we had fresh veggies and some fresh fruit accounts for my health as a child. We had berries and pears, we also had others I'm sure.
There were times when we didn't have much money to buy food, so my mom got what she could. Unfortunatly it wasn't very good food, just cheap. That's what it's like for us today. What I wouldn't give for a garden or the ability to buy the fresh fruits and veg like we used to a few years ago.

In our deep walk of faith with God, most everything has been taken away from us. Let me correct that....we were prompted to give it up, to let it go and trust God for everything.
Did we understand what was happening? I'd have to say no. Not at first, at least. In fact it took us over twenty years for God to fully get out attention to what He wanted to do in our lives.
You may be asking, " how does this have anything to do with growing up poor,your weight and health?" You'll see if you just keep following me.

When we eat "whole foods" (foodies know what I'm talking about) we're eating the way God intended for us to eat. Foods as they are grown, not processed in any way. Foods that are not full of insect poison or artificial fertilizers, which harm the body not make it healthy. In the last 30-40 years we've seen an overwhelming increase of disease. Break that word apart and you have dis- ease. There has been diseases of the physical, mental and emotional areas of so many lives. Ever ask yourself why? When I was a kid I never heard the word "hyperactive" or dislexia or autisum, let alone see someone obese, and look at how many diabetics we have around today......amazing!!! Oh there were the occasional ones, but nothing like today. Please understand me......I am not saying anything against anyone who may have these diseases. My heart goes out to each and every one that does and I would love nothing more than to see them come out of these situations.

There is a program on BBC America called, "You are what you eat" very informative. In fact if you watch it, it'll make you sick to see the foods people in a weeks time. Not just food, but drink as well. They have all these problems, diabetes, hyperactivity and such.
When all we eat is processed or fried foods, our bodies get sluggish, everything moves slowly or not at all ( you know what I mean!) they bloat, they gain weight and just are not healthy, eyes don't sparkle hair don't shine, the list goes on and on.
The doctor on this show gets these folks on a strict 8 week cleansing program. What a difference!! Then they begin to incorporate other foods that are healthy. It's mostly the change of lifestyle and eating habits. They've come to realize that it doesn't cost any more to eat right. Changing your mindset and being disciplined is what it takes.

Anyway, I said all that to say this.......it's the same with God's Word! When we don't consume His word or we consume it improperly, we get spiritually sick and diseased. Okay, I know you're looking at me now like a dog looks at a new bowl....saying, "Whatchu talkin 'bout????"
When all we get of the word is processed from others, we don't get the full healthy benefits of it. I heard someone say, one time a visiting preacher came to the pulpit and pulled out a blender. He then began to tear pages from a Bible and put them into it. Some from the old testament and some from the new. He then added a bit of water and turned it on. He took the slurry from the blender and poured it into a glass, held it up and asked who would like to drink it.
I agree.....that's a little crazy, but do you realize that is exactly what preachers do in church today? Not just preachers but teachers, and evengalist and writers of books. For example they talk about the promises of God and how we should claim them. You better stop and ask yourself a few questions. When God makes a promise in the Old Testament He also makes it conditional. But mainly ask yourself "WHO IS HE TALKING TO" He's talking to the Jews not to gentiles.
Paul does tell us that the old is for our learning but not for our doctrine. Those promises of the land, wealth and such, were not meant for us today. Therefore, there is a blended gospel going around out there and many are being deceived by it. The folks preaching these things obviously don't know what they're talking about because they don't know the delineation of the word, or how to divide the word properly. Their teaching is the same as the artificial foods. It does fill the hungry belly but it keeps you unhealthy, in mind, body and spirit. Not to mention unfit for the service of God. A good lesson on this is in Daniel, where he and the other Hebrew boys refused to eat the kings food and requested only vegatables and clear water. At the end of the trial period when they were tested, they passed with flying colors where the ones that ate the kings food were sluggish and unfit. Don't take my word for it....read Daniel chapter 1.
My prayer for you today is that you will take the word of God for yourself and ask Him to show you the REAL WHOLE word. Ask God to show you what to do as Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 and 16. To study, to rightly divide the word. To avoid the babbling and blending of others. Christ tells us in Matthew 9:16 not to blend the old with the new, using the garment as an illustration. He also talks about not using the old wineskin to store new wine. Both have the same spiritual meaning.
When you sit down to read or are in church listening to your pastor or whatever....ask the Lord to give you eyes to see and ears to hear what is being said and listen carefully to what you hear. This also is a warning from Jesus in Mark 4:24 And he said to them, "Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you." ESV Bible
Ever wonder why you don't seem to get any understanding out of the word when you read it or hear it?
Stop seeing with preconceived notions. Stop seeing it according to what someone tells you it means.
Ask God for yourself. Stop being a follower of the crowd down the broad way in death and start following Christ on that very path which leads to life. 
 About Glenda Maynard:
Affectionately known as "William's wife" ,mother to three, and a Grandmother; Glenda is a Bible teacher, who passionately encourages people with the Good  News of Jesus Christ. She lives in Tennessee with her family and enjoys writing articles that she hopes will bring forth life, truth and hope to others.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Big River, Little River. By Kimchi Blow

It is a lazy Saturday around my house today.  Of course, there are a ton of things that need to be done, but I have chosen to ignore them.  Sometimes that mindset just works for me!-LOL  I am recuperating after a long week!

This past week was  busy and one of the things that kept coming up for me was just "life" in general.  It is funny how the busyness of your day can get to be a bit overwhelming .  At certain moments throughout the week, I was able to successfully tap into God's graces and accomplish the tasks at hand with ease and victory.  However, there were other times, I struggled more then I would like to admit. If you are human, this is normal.

I bring this up because I think it is important for me to reflect on things in order to gain growth in my personal life.  I mean why keep trucking along in the same manner with life when you can drive another vehicle that gets you to the same destination with a lot more ease and comfort?  You know what I mean?

As I pondered this week, I realized a common denominator at the times I was challenged and quickly the LORD was showing me something.  It was not  NEW news but a simple reminder of what it takes to be victorious in Him. First of all, let me explain some of the things I struggled with.

One of the events was a simple doctor's appointment with my 3 children.  Normally for any one person, taking one child to the doctor could oppose a challenge but I had 3 together at one time.  Oh, and two of them were toddlers! Hello, enough said.   If you are a mother ,you get where I am coming from.  We had some melt downs and notice I say said "we." At certain times, my patience was tested and I failed. Not much more I can say on that one.

Another occurrence this week was just trying to stay balanced between body, soul and mind.  I say this because I think all three affect one another.  When I don't exercise and eat right, it makes my mind unclear because I feel sluggish and tired.  Just as when I don't take the time to feed my mind and  soul with time for God, they both takes a leap into directions that are not productive.  Anyways, you get my drift, right?

My point is this, I was failing to tap into God this week on ALL matters of daily life.  Sure it easy for us to tap into God on the high mountain tops and in the low valleys of life but in the mundane of everyday , it is not so easy.  I think for me, "I" get in the way with by habitual thinking and need to just make it through the day in "my" own strength. Instead of taking the time I need to pray through situations and even just "be still" at certain times. Life just takes over and I forget there is a God that there to help- Ahhhh, yes- Jehova!

God quickly reminded me that when Joshua crossed over the Jordan River(Joshua 3), it was important that He first consecrate himself and the Israelites. In other words,  preparing themselves spiritually and praying for God's strength, wisdom, etc.  Also, Joshua was told to take the Ark of God and go ahead of the people with it.  This was representing that God goes before us in everything we do.  Also, it was clearly stated in scripture(Joshua 3:8) that they were to "go stand" in the river.  In other words, we are called  at times to deal with the stresses of life and stand in our faith.  This of course can be a challenge in the everyday.   Lastly, I think it is awesome how the Ark of the God was kept in the river until ALL of the nation of Israel passed by.  Not one person was left and God was faithful to see everyone through. God was in the midst of their journey, with them the whole time! he is never too far away from us.

I love this reminder of scripture because no matter what our river represents for the day, big events or small daily mundane ones, God should be in the middle of it with us.  In fact, He should be put before us as we actually step into the rivers of life.  Meaning, taking the time for God in the morning and consecrating ourselves(preparing) for the days journey ahead.  Like I said, no NEW news but just GOOD NEWS!

What do your rivers look like daily?  Have you taken God before and with you as you stepped into the flowing daily rivers of life? At times, were you drowning or was God there to sustain the rushing waters?   Do the rushing waters sweep you away or do you allow God to stop the waters, so you may pass without feeling overwhelmed?

No matter what rivers(Big or small) you may face for the upcoming week, be sure and have God lead the way!

Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Three Way Mirror- By Kimchi Blow

Staring into the 3-way mirror, I was disappointed at what I saw—tight creases in my pant legs, bulges of fat over my waistline, and to top it off, a zipper that would not close. Tears welled up in my eyes and beads of sweat began to roll down my back. I worked off quite a bit of energy trying to squeeze myself into the 10th pair of pants that afternoon. Taking in a deep breathe, I told myself, “Relax, you just had a baby, it has only been 4 months, and give yourself time.” But for some reason, the more I tried to reason with my self pity, the more it won over. Swallowing hard, I began to gather my things together and tried to work up enough courage to find something else to wear. Just then, from the dressing room beside mine, I overheard a young woman ask the sales associate for another size, “Ma’am, could you get the next smaller size for me, I think I need a size 2, please.” I thought, “A size 2!” As I glared at the size tag inside the pants that I just took off. I wanted to scream! Frustrated over what I just heard, I stuck my tongue out at her from behind the wall that separated us, and I mimicked her under my breath, “A size 2, please, a size 2, please! I am so small and petite, I must have a smaller size—a size 2, please!!”

Obviously, I knew this was not the most mature way in handling my insecure feelings or envy, but it felt good at the time. In my mind, I was the silent spokeswoman for all the insecure women in the world overweight. I just gained a point of victory, even though no one would ever know of my valiant efforts that day. But, I knew, and suddenly, I felt empowered. My pants dilemma was now far from my mind as I felt compelled to reward the noble cause I just took on. So off to Starbucks I went, feeling invigorated and renewed.

While standing in line, I gazed at the magazines and waited patiently. Then came my turn to order; the bubbly red-haired teenager behind the counter asked me what I needed. “Give me your Grande, Mocha Java Chip Frappucino please, with extra whip cream!” I smiled inside, as I remembered why I was rewarding myself. After all, I was the next Joan of Arc of this generation, here to represent all the overweight women in the world! The world was mine, and I could conquer anything or anyone who came my way. At about that time, a beautiful slender woman, probably in her mid-twenties, walked up to the counter and placed her order. She smelled divine and elegance adorned her from head to toe. Her make-up was perfect, her nails polished, and her outfit was one that showed off her small trim waistline and figure. There was no doubt in my mind she was an attractive woman, but at the same time, I could feel those feelings of inadequacy start to rise up again inside me. In a sweet, gentle voice, she asked the barista, “Could I have a small, no fat, sugar free latte and hold the whip cream, please?”

“Uhhhhhh!!!” went through my mind as I questioned why she would hold the whip cream. Isn’t that best part? A fleeting notion came to my mind; she was probably the woman who was in the dressing room beside mine. Again, I allowed the woman’s voice to ring in my memory as I heard her say repeatedly, “ a size 2 please!” My emotions were stirring once more and I just stood there withdrawn for a while, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The young lady who just ordered her diet latte wanted my attention. “Excuse me, I think they are calling your order, hun. You ordered the extra whip cream, right?” I quickly gained my composure and abruptly replied, “I sure did!” and quickly grabbing my frappucino, I stormed out of there.

Finally, I was alone with no one to irritate me. I got into my car and turned on the radio, hoping to distract my mood. But instead of listening to the gracious music, I only dwelled on what I was feeling. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting this way? All of a sudden, every beautiful slender woman was suddenly my enemy. I knew this was not right, but yet, I felt anger at all of them. I became puzzled with how I was reacting. I eventually turned off the music and drove in silence the rest of the way home. The only sound heard came from my straw searching for the last bit of liquid it could consume and properly feed my dry desperate soul. In that moment, I found contentment from my frozen drink. It seemed to calm me down, eluding me of my fears, insecurities, and harsh doses of reality of my heart condition. The sugar itself healed me almost immediately from my exhaustion. The smooth creamy feeling on my tongue and throat felt relaxing—almost soothing to my heart. Not to mention, all the chocolate chip chunks that filled my stomach made me feel full and satisfied. For a while, I allowed myself to just enjoy the silence and my state of being.

And then they came. Tears began flowing like a river, and I could do nothing to stop them. All my inhibitions for that afternoon came flooding out. The harshness in my heart became exposed. I released every emotion of inadequacy, disappointment, and envy from deep within me as I finally allowed myself to just deal with my heart’s struggle. Somehow, I felt better as I wiped the last cleansing tear away. I thought for sure that I looked like an idiot as I drove home blowing my nose and wiping my tears away frantically at every traffic light I came to. But, I did not care, because I felt a peace that filled me from the inside out as I became real with myself. Wiping the last tear away, I reached down to stuff my dirty tissues into my empty Starbucks cup that I just polished off 5 minutes before my meltdown. I chuckled to myself, because I realized that due to my circumstances, my heart needed a few super-sized orders of that beverage to quench what I was feeling. I humored myself further by realizing that my cup was not only empty, but it now only served as a trash container for my emotions.

I placed the radio back on and listened to the words that poured out of the speakers and straight into my heart. “There is only grace, there is only love, there is only mercy of the Father, and believe me, that is enough.” Unexpectedly, a smile formed on my face. But, this time, it was not one formed from pride, but instead, it was one that came with a sense of knowing God was changing me and allowed me to accept who I am—faults and all. So the next time I stand in front of a 3-way mirror, I will see a new image cast in the reflection of who I truly am.

God desires us to know that He accepts us and loves us no matter what we look like, think or feel. His desire is to teach us these truth that are by identifying ourselves with Him and His truths. So, the next time you have a day when you are not feeling your best, lean on God and He will comfort you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is Sin? by Michelle Peterson- GUEST BLOGGER

What is Sin?

Wow, that is a hard question, isn’t it! I mean, we have the 10 Commandments…..we have the 613 Laws in the Old Testament. We have what  "Mama" said. But which is it? Growing up Southern Baptist, I thought just about everything was a sin. Along with things like murder , adultery and there was drinking a drop of liquor and dancing. To some in our congregation, clapping hands during worship or getting too excited about something the pastor said was frowned upon, and if the deacons were seen smoking a cigarette there was much whispering about how that “looked”. I grew up wondering why my Catholic friends drank wine at church, and why some of my friends talked about dancing in the Spirit at church or worse yet……speaking in something called tongues. And don’t even get me started on the wildly rumored snake charming and chicken killing in those “Holiness” churches!

Looking back, I think I grew up quite oppressed in many ways. My view of God was of a big man who sat in judgment of me and ready to condemn me to the pit of Hell if I missed church on Sunday morning or said a four letter work.

After growing up, moving 6,000 miles away from home, and meeting so many people from different walks of life than my small town strictly sanctioned life in rural Georgia., I began to realize that there was something going on.

I had moved nearer to God, then away from God, then closer to God, and even almost totally abandoned God at some points, and yet I still felt that He was out there somewhere watching me and shaking His head at all my failures. No matter where I went tor what I did, He was judging me, and making a huge list of all my failures and sins. ESPECIALLY THE SINS! As a military wife, I went to more than my share of parties and did many things that I will always regret. Going through a divorce so far from home put me at my lowest point. I was doing whatever it took to survive another day, just trying to get through the pain. I was sure my list of sins was being published in church bulletins around the world.

After God, in all of His goodness and grace that I can recognize now, picked me up out of my muck and mire and set me straight on my way again, I began to realize where I was.

Although I accepted Christ as a young child, and knew that He lived in my heart, and was sure of my eternal salvation, I realized that was not enough. I was living in my safety net Christian state, loving God enough to thank Him for saving me from the pit of Hell, but not understanding His abundance and how much MORE there was to life in Him.

I entered a state of trying to please everyone endlessly, trying to live life as a perfect Christian. I read, I searched, I studied, I prayed, I did everything I could to try to grasp what God was and how to be better in His eyes. I was pretty sure I had conquered this sin thing. I had it all together. I had gained favor in God’s eyes, I was just sure of it. But what was I really doing? I’ll fill you in next Wednesday 

Michelle Peterson:
I am a happily married, stay at home mother of a 12 year old daughter. I was born and raised in Southeast Georgia before becoming a Navy wife for over 10 years. I strive to live purposefully, doing as God directs and leads me. I enjoy reading, writing, scrapbooking and cooking. It is my desire to live a life pleasing to God in all areas and grow in His teachings..

Visit her at-

Monday, January 25, 2010

Depraved Minds? Inquiring Minds want to know.

Ahh man, it is only Tuesday. Enough said. At least tomorrow is hump day!
What is it about Wednesday that gives people hope for Friday? Anyone? As if some how Wednesday's can lie to us that the rest of the week will get any better in the mundanes of life, right? -LOL! Hey, I am all about celebrating small steps and if hump day is a celebration to get to Friday, I am all for it. Break out the coffee and chips and let's celebrate!

Oh, but back to reality, it is only Tuesday. So, no coffee and chips here, just my usual chit chat about nothing....LOL! Cheer up....tomorrow is hump day!

Anyways,I was reading in the book of Romans again last night and the following scripture got me thinking. Watch out, this could be dangerous, so be prepared, this can go anywhere!

Romans 2:28 " And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper."

What is a depraved mind? The Webster's New World Dictionary says the following, " Depraved- crooked, to make morally bad, corrupt."

Why would God give the people who chose not to honor and thank Him over to their depraved minds?

I think in order for us to answer this question,we must first look at the context of this whole passage of scripture from Romans 18-32. Basically, Paul is talking about the consequences of sin here and how God dealt with the people because of their lack of wanting to honor and obey Him. So, he gave them over to their sin, their lusts, false beliefs, idolatry, homosexuality, greed, anger, strife, murder, etc..

In a way, you might think this contradcits God's nature here, but think about it some more. Does it? God is a loving,forgiving, gracious and Holy God, right? Well, because He is holy, anything that stands before Him that is unholy has to be judged to be made holy! How cool is that? God can NEVER go against His character, this is why I love Him! He is the same God, today and always!!! If He sees unrighteousness, He desires to make it righteous!

You see, God's people back then were no different then we are today. They had a basic understanding of who God was just by the very nature of the world they lived in. They could have clearly seen that there was a God from the creations within the world. Such as, the four seasons, climate changes,mountains, oceans, rainbows,science and all it's unexplained mysteries, but for whatever reason, they chose not to believe and honor God. Instead they honored their false belief systems and depended on lies that went against God's truth and will for them. So, in the end, in order for Him to truly love them, He gave them over to their sin so that they could get deliverance. Tough Love!

Sounds crazy, huh? It is the same as with the Israelite's wandering in the desert for 40 years. They became so desperate in their own flesh and sin that it caused them to cry out for a deliverer, the Deliverer! It was out of the compassion of His heart that HE allowed them to be judged and be made holy!

Please understand that God allowing them to have depraved minds was not the original plan He wanted for His people. He wanted things to be so much easier, but because we live in a fallen world, God has to deal with sin. He gave them evidence of who He was and they still chose not to acknowledge Him as God. I can look at this passage and can so relate to the people's mind sets back then because truth be known,I had a depraved mind too at one point in my life. You could have called me "Krazy Kim!"-LOL!

I had no excuse either,because I was raised in knowing who God was. However, I didn't have a personal relationship with Him, but I knew enough about Him and His commandments to know the things I was doing were not His will. However, I didn't care. I wanted to live my life as my own! No two ways about it, I was in charge and didn't care too much about what others had to say, never mind the God of all the earth. But God loved me anyways! And because of His love for me, He allowed me to be given over to my depraved mind too. He needed me to see that my beliefs were lies. He needed me to see that my authority was not one that could keep me protected, in fact, it did just the opposite, it kept me unprotected and opened me up to the enemies plans to destroy me.

It was in this depraved mind that I started to want deliverance from myself and my way of thinking. It was in this depraved mind that led me to the cross of salvation and grace. It was in this depraved mind that I pleaded to have the mind of Christ! So, my point is, God is love! His character is always displayed even in the midst of our depravity, God is at work on our behalf! God's Word tell us that all things work for the good of those that are called to His purposes. Not one day of failure or trial is wasted! God is in the business of Love and deliverance!

God deserves all the honor and praise because He has a plan even when we choose to go against it. For whatever reason, He still includes us in it. The plan is called salvation, redemption, healing and love! He is a faithful God even when we are unfaithful, His character NEVER changes! Even in the midst of our darken hearts and minds, His plan is to always come after us with such a passionate love to transform us and help us take our rightful places with Him.

How could any of us ever not want to honor and worship Him? But the truth is, if you were saved, it was because you too at one time had a depraved mind but God was faithful to give you HIs mind. Be encouraged as you watch friends, and loved ones around you ac in their depravity, because God is with them!

Today, as you go about your day, think about one of your habitual faults and see how it is rooted in a futile thinking. Why would anyone consider it unworthwhile to retain the knowledge of God? Then, from that, pray for yourself and others who you know might be given over to their depraved minds. And lastly, how does this bring you that much closer to God?

Have a blessed one!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Casting Down our Crowns....

And so the story went…..

The beautiful princess, with her hair wet, matted and stuck to her face, stood silent staring at the huge altar before her. Her golden scepter in hand was of no use here, and she knew it. She fell to her knees in shame and despair. How did she get to this place, this point in her life? Exhausted from her weary battle, she realized this was it; the moment of truth was upon her. The enemy destroyed her kingdom, and she narrowly escaped her demise.

Her gown of elegance was now torn and battered in the wind. The sparkling material that once flowed was ripped to shreds, laying in pieces around her. Really, all she had left of her deity was her crown--oh yes, her crown of glory! The crown that displayed her purpose, her agendas, her power, her authority and her life, became the symbol of her identity and was now the sad display of indignity.

Somehow, the crown seemed heavy now, and it felt awkward on her head. She reached upon her head and felt the sharp edges of metal that always displayed the royalty and power of the kingdom she built, an inheritance from her father. She began to weep, realizing that her crown became her downfall. No longer did it represent supremacy, but rather places of shame, guilt, inadequacies, failures and fears, and most of all, a heart of stone. Her crown became her idol as it allowed her the excuse to not trust in anything but her own self righteousness.

She began to shake violently in anger and rage as she realized the longing of desperation in her heart that was never fulfilled. The reality of a lifetime of mistakes and disappointments hit her heart like a ton of bricks as she fell prostrate on the altar of grace.

Sitting up, she took a deep breath and violently cast the crown down with such a force it knocked one of the sapphires loose.

It shimmered in the moonlight on the altar in front of her, and its radiance danced in her eyes. Closing them, she took a deep breath and prayed that one day God would bestow her with a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of despair. Her desire now was to be a display of splendor and be planted by the Lord, to instead serve under His crown of humility and grace, where she knew she would find peace and love.  She could only hope that her stony heart would become flesh once again.

Like most princesses, there comes a place in our walk of faith where we learn to put those crowns down--the crowns that once represented pride, control, selfish ambition, and much more. As those of us who have walked there realize, like the princess in the story, our kingdoms are not built on truth but on pride. They slowly crumble under our own demise. However, God promises us in Psalm 103:4 that He will redeem our life from the pit and crown us with love and compassion. This is what true royalty is about, wearing the crown of righteousness that is not of our own but from the Highest King in the land, Jesus Christ.

So, today, are you willing to lay those crowns down that display false power, shame, envy, self pity or fear in your lives? Are you willing to let God crown you with His righteousness and not your own?

His desire is to bring us a crown of love and compassion that will shine throughout His kingdom. This is by far the highest crown we could ever wear, holding power and authority that could never be compared. It has the power to transform not only our own lives but the lives of others. Make the great exchange today and once again walk as the royal princess you were meant to be!

Suck It Up and Drive On!

Scarlett Ward lay staring at the red glowing numbers in the darkness.  3:30 a.m. glared back at her, almost screaming silently, “You have only 3 more hours left with your husband before he leaves!”   Her heart sank and she took a deep breath trying to hold back the tears that wanted to fall.  She knew if she cried now, she might not be able to stop.  Besides, she had to pull it together and be strong for her husband and four children.   After all, she was an Army wife!   Deployments were a way of life, inevitable, an almost dreaded sentence if you will.  Scarlett just wanted this day to end, heck she just wanted the next 15 months to fly by.  She always told herself, “The sooner he leaves, the sooner he gets back!”  However, no matter how many times she repeated this, she knew that it was never easy to say good bye.  Her job was to try and mottle herself and her family thru the next few hours with a face of bravery.  But inside, she was terrified! 
Brett interrupted her thoughts as he turned towards her in the bed.  “You okay?” he asked.  She swallowed hard before answering, “I will be.”  She said quietly.  Brett wrapped his arms around her.  She snuggled deep into his chest.  She could hear his heart beating as he held her.  The tears began to fall and she quietly said a prayer asking God to please not let this be the last time he would hold her.  Her emotions began to flood out of her and she felt so weak and helpless.  She almost felt guilty at first because it was Brett who had the right to be scared, after all, he was the one going to war in a foreign country!  But for some reason all she could do was think of herself.  Brett stroked her hair and wiped her tears as they fell.  He said nothing but just held her close. Somehow, that was enough for Scarlett.  She knew she would gather the strength and courage and her "suck it up and drive on attitude" would kick in, it always did.  But for now, the silence was the best comfort.

I remember writing this paragraph soon after my own husband left for his second tour of duty to Iraq.  The thought and feelings were so real to me then.  Even as I read it tonight to place it on this blog, it was like I was there with Scarlett, feeling her weakness and anxiety.  I could feel her trying to gather up the courage to play the brave wife, mother and friend .  Some how though we do it.  We gather our wits about us and "suck it up and drive on!"  Why, because we have no choice.

In fact, I remember  Craig's last deployment so clearly.  That morning, I was laying in bed watching him put on his uniform and gather the last articles he needed to pack.  I was holding back the tears because I knew that if I cried, I might not stop. I always wanted him to see me brave because I felt it would make it easier on him.   For me, no matter how many times you have been through a deployment, it is always hard to say goodbye.  In fact, to me the goodbye is the hardest part.  Like I said, grace kicks in the moment he leaves and some how we do it.  God always equips the call!

It is as if God scoops me up and carries me.  Thank GOD, because it feels that way!  Anyways, back to the morning Craig left.  So, as I watched him, of course, I was feeling sorry for myself and trying to capture his every moment, as if to somehow capture him in my hall of memories inside my head, so that I can revisit him frequently.  That day though, I heard the Lord speak to me as I watched my soldier get ready for his mission.  The Lord said clearly to me, "Craig is putting on his uniform to do the mission I called him to do, SO now you need to put yours on and get to duty too!"

 At first, I wanted to tell the Lord, "Uh, this is my party and I will cry if I want to, leave me alone to my self pity!" But if you know God like I do, HE NEVER leaves you alone-LOL!  In fact, HE is really good at pushing us past our weaknesses and challenging us to lean and trust HIM!

Let's face it, if God left it to us to change ourselves, we would never do it.  Deployments  are hard, no doubt, but the end result can bring wonderful personal growth. I know, I know, there may be some of you who are reading this and saying, "Whatever, if I need change then there are other ways!"  Believe me, I know.  I am not one who is into physical or emotional turmoil.   In fact, if I can dodge either, I am so there!

My point is this, Scarlett  in my story had a point, her "suck it up and drive on" attitude is her way of dying to herself and doing what ever it was to get the job done!  Sometimes that is exactly what the Lord requires us to do.To take the focus off ourselves and on Him and whatever it is He needs for us to do.   Please know I am not saying God is not interested in your feelings and struggles, no way.  He most definitely is!  But He is more interested in showing you who HE can be to you during this difficult time and what He can do in you and through you too!  Sometimes, we want to avoid those opportunities altogether.  But it is in those times that we are strengthned and graciously taken to the next level of our  faith.

 Our attitude and choices we make in the midst of trial can be the key to our success.  It is a choice you have, your mind is a powerful tool.  Focusing on God and putting Him in the driver's seat of your mind can steer you into victory. Jesus was the perfect example of this, HE endured the most grueling physical and emotional pain there was, but He was determined to "suck it up and drive on" because it was what God was requiring of Him.  His faith and obedience took Him beyond his pain and even himself.  His eyes were fixed on the greater call, the call to die to self and to serve others , yes even in our pain.  But here is the thing, you are not alone!  Nor are you required to endure it all by yourself.

There is a God who is willing and able to take it on for you, but you have to give HIM the opportunity to show you He is faithful!  So, the next time you want to throw your fits and complain and whine in your situation, I would dare challenge you to CHRIST!  Let's get real with ourselves, sometimes it is easier to stay in our pain or trial then it is to rise up and fight and be the women we are called to be!  Change takes work and a lot of courage.  Believe me, I know. 

But, I have learned to bow the knee in pain because without it, I would not have had so much victory and healing in my life.  We have to face those giants and knock them down where it counts.  We do this with faith and obedience.  Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus keeps them off us and all those lies that the devil likes to throw our way.

So, the next time you start to feel sorry for yourself , or you find yourself complaining, I pray that you would remember to put your uniform on, get your game face on and get CROSSeyed!
It really is that easy when you are equipped by the Equipper!

Have a blessed weekend!

Check out- http://herwarhervoice.com (support military spouses)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ready, Faith, Set Goals!

While growing up I was taught to set a goal and achieve it. This simple rule of thumb brought me much success in life. I merely wrote my goals down, made a plan of action and set a deadline.  Pretty simple  procedure.  Today, I still follow that agenda and have even passed on that advice to my children.  The Word of God tells us in Habakkuk 2:2-3, " Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald will run with it.  For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it;it will certainly come to pass."

Tonight, I came across another passage of scripture about faith and it was one of those truths that I had to stop and ponder.  I felt like there was some deeper revelation the Lord wanted to share with me.  In the book of Romans, verse 1:17 states, " For in the gospel a righteousness from GOD is revealed from faith to faith;as it is written," But the Righteous  man will live by faith." First off, we need to understand that faith is the substance of things not seen but yet hoped for.

There are so many things in my life that I have had faith in.  I am not even talking spiritual things at this point.  For instance, I had faith to believe that if I worked hard and got an education that it would pay off as an adult.  The military gave me the opportunity to achieve that.  Also, I believe that it is important to save your money for a rainy day. So, every month, my husband and I set aside money for various things.  Another belief I hold true is that eating right and exercising will prolong your life.  Exercise in some form has always been a part of my life. However, some seasons more then others. 

My point is, I took action towards the things that I believed in.  I took steps to make those things happen in  my life.  For me, it was an easy thing to do because I had the faith to believe that it was purposeful and meaningful  action to take.   Why am I bringing this up, you might be asking?  Well, because  as I began pondering the non-spiritual beliefs in my life, I began to see a pattern.  Those things were not hard for me to do.  I just disciplined myself to them because I knew they would some how prosper my physical life .  And I was correct, it did.

What bothered me though was that when it came to my faith with things spiritually, I was not as successful or willing to act.   For example, I have always doubted my gift in writing.  I know for some of you, you might not believe that.  But it is true.  I struggled in having the faith that God really wanted me to use this gift for Him .  I lacked the faith that I could be used in a way that could actually make a difference in His Kingdom. I had all kinds of excuses and when I had kids, it just made it that much easier-LOL!    It doesn't make sense to me.  God gives each of us a special purpose in life.  No one person is alike, just like snowflakes. For years, I have allowed my lack of faith in God to equip me to serve Him in that manner.

We each carry unique ,spiritual and physical gifts that are paired perfectly with our  personalities.  God did this to formulate a plan for His Kingdom and how it would run, etc. He knows our end from the beginning . His master plan is being articulated right now, even as I type this blog.  It is humbling to know that the God of all the earth took the time to make me, "me," and you, "you."

The problem we have in the Christian community is that we fail to tap into that potential and God given destiny.  Myself, like others have an easier time believing adds on television about some silly product  then we do the Word of God or the promises over our lives.  We can put into action a family vacation  or Insurance plan easier then we can our own spiritual lives. Hello, I am preaching to myself here too!

Enough is enough Children of God!  We must stop living in and of this world and start living in Christ!  He is the ticket to our destination.  If Romans 1:17 is truth, then lets put it into action NOW!  The righteous man will live by faith, SO, are you Ready, Faith, Set Goals? I am! 

What is it that God is asking of you this year  by faith to put into action based off your obedience to Him?  Faith requires obedience, no two ways about it.   Obedience is always rewarded by God. What is your call in life?  What are your gifts?  This week, I dare challenge you to write them down and work towards them, no matter how difficult they may seem.

1) Pray and ask God what it is He is requiring of you by faith to do?
2)Write it down and commit to taking steps to fulfill that requirement.
3) Be held accountable to someone
5) Have faith that you know God will complete it in you!

There is a whole world out there waiting for you to transform it.   We simply do that by changing ourselves first and from that, the world changes around us.  God uses the faithful!

My prayer for you today is that you will walk by faith TOWARDS your destiny in Christ!  You may not know exactly how to do it, but it takes just one step towards God to figure it out.

Joshua took that  ONE step into the River Jordan and from that he entered into the Promise Land,  Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water, Noah built an ark for a flood he did not know for sure was truly coming. Faith moves mountains, no matter how high you perceive them to be! God can move those mountains for you, but you have to be willing to trust Him in the process.

What does your step of faith look like.? It might simply be to make a call to a friend or family member that you need to forgive or be forgiven by.  Or it might be to volunteer for a position you feel led to do but don't feel equipped to do.  I don't know what that is for you my friend, but God does and I am believing that as you ask, you will recieve and answer.

May you walk as a blessed and Righteous Child of God today and may you know that faith will lead you to things you never dreamed possible for yourself.   Because that is how much God loves you! Now, READY, FAITH, SET GOALS!!!!

Hope and Infertility........By Christina Blow ..GUEST BLOGGER

Hope. My husband and I spent many years hoping for a child. I spent many days crying over negative tests. Being childless is a choice for some; for us it was the albatross. After years of waiting, doctors became extremely intimate with my body. Blood was drawn every other day, uncomfortable examinations marked half of each month, embarrassing procedures became routine. Our arms remained empty. We conceived, but those children were quickly born to heaven. I ached for the children we lost, I ached for any child. My husband was not open to adoption.

Our friends and family tried to support us. So often I heard, “There’s always next month.”, “We know you’ll have a child.” “Why don’t you JUST adopt” “Are you going to try again?”. I tried to smile through it, but I was angry with God. I felt isolated from almost anyone around me. It seemed like very few understood what I was feeling, or how to reach out to me. Why couldn’t people see that they can’t KNOW we’ll have a child? Only God knows! Adoption isn’t easy, and it wasn’t something we wanted. Next month? That won’t replace the child I lost before getting to know! Seeing a baby or a pregnant woman was like a knife shooting through me. Walking past baby and children’s clothes in a store could bring tears to my eyes. Hearing little voices in the background when a friend called stung my soul.

An on-line support group for Christian women with infertility and loss became my life-line. Through hannahsprayer.org I made friends, no, I met sisters in Christ, who understood. They cried with me, let me rant and rave, rejoiced. They understood what the fertility drugs were doing to my body and emotions. They understood how my heart ached.

In the midst of my pain I started reaching to God, begging Him to show me WHY this had to be so hard for us. WHY I felt so isolated. I did not like the answer He gave me, but it renewed my hope. As I read through the Bible I kept realizing that God made us to serve others. “Uhm, excuse me, God”, I thought, “I’m telling You I need more, not that I want You to give me more. This isn’t what I wanted to hear.”

I was not serving others at all. I had all kinds of excuses . . . from it hurts too much to I don’t know when my next doctor’s appointment is so I can’t commit. When serving finally won over something miraculous happened. God knew what I needed to hear. My wounds and anger started to heal. I started to connect with others and didn’t feel isolated. Insensitive comments didn’t hurt, they HELPED because I looked at the intention behind them.

Serving others wasn’t a huge commitment. Serving others just involved listening to their pain instead of focusing on my own. It meant remembering a prayer request, giving someone a hug when they looked like they needed one, giving a flower to a friend who was having a rough time. I’m not good at those things, they don’t come naturally to me. I’ve gotten better with practice, and I hope God teaches me how to truly lay my life down to serve others, to learn to humble myself. The hope we have is in Him and we find that hope and joy through Him. When you start following His call your troubles melt into something less; you become a part of something more.
Christina Blow:
Christina Blow likes sharing  her encouraging testimony with infertility and the hope she gained through the process. She is married to the man of her dreams and prayers. After being blessed with her husband, she has stayed home to care for him, her dog, their three cats and now their two rambunctious sons. Juggling the duties of a mother , kindergartner ,home-schooled preschooler keeps her time more than filled. She lives in Chagrin Falls, Ohio with her family.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Got Legal Rights?

There is something to be said about rainy days. I just love them! The sound of the rain hitting the roof is like someone whispering to me,"Take the day off and relax!" You don't have to tell me twice! The cloudy dismal day gives me a reason to light some candles, curl up with a cozy blanket, good book and call it a day!

This past week here in the Mojave Desert has been a week of this fantastic rain. When you haven't seen rain in almost a year, it becomes a cherished phenomenon. The Mojave gets most of its rain fall in the winter months between October to March. Rainfall in the Mojave is very changeable from day to night, and can range from 2.23 to 2.5 inches a year.

In my relaxation and reading time, I had the chance to dig more into the book of Romans, written by the Apostle Paul. Something incredible stood out to me today as I read the verse, Romans 1:17. I wanted to share it because I was compelled by the truth to tell you your rights as a Child of God.

Let me first begin by asking you a question. If you knew you were being sentenced to death because of a crime you had committed, would you want to have the best legal representation possible? Of course, you would. It would be a matter of life and death. This is why we hire lawyers, to educate us and represent our legal rights.

Well, what if I told you that the "righteousness from God" is a state of "being in the right" or declared "not guilty" in relationship to God.( Romans 1:17) It is a legal term. Basically stating your legal rights in spiritual matters.

Interesting, don't you think? Here is the thing that we need to understand and take heart in, not only for ourselves but for others too. The devil in the spirit realm holds legal rights over you if you are not saved. His rights will be exercised to sentence you to death if you don't choose Christ as Savior. So, your verdict is death! Death in your physical body as well as your spiritual one. BUT if you chose Jesus Christ to be your legal representative, then HE just won your case from death. Your verdict will surely be a victorious, "NOT GUILTY!" In other words, you are off the hook, you go free, forgiven of all your sins and crimes when you stand before the God of all the earth on Judgment Day.

HEAVY stuff, huh? I know you may not be use to me speaking like this, but if you truly know me, I have never been one to step around the truth, especially in these last days. My love for you is that you would not only choose Christ as Savior but that you would know Him now in this life and live abundantly.

Why is this so important to understand not just for yourself but for others too? Well, because you have the opportunity to tell others who legally protects you, Jesus Christ. He holds your rights for eternity. You need Him on on your legal side to fight for your life. When you choose Christ, you just legally contracted yourself to an agreement with God that He would spare you from the judgment that will come in the end. You will not be judged, but instead, be set free from all your sins. To live all eternity with Him!

I guess one of the visions I hold in my head is this, before me, I see the Highest Court in the land with God as Judge. All the people are seated as they wait for their case to be heard. As I sit there and wait to stand before God myself, I watch so many people before me go and I hear,"Guilty!" being spoken over and over again. Some of them, I recognize as friends and even family members. They turn to look at me and ask, " Why did you not tell me about my rights? You had your rights told to you, why did you not tell me mine?" And I literally have no answer to give! Then, comes my turn and although my verdict will be,"Innocent, Go Free," I somehow can't rejoice in my victory. Instead I am filled with grief.

I don't tell you this story so that you are plead with guilt or shame for not sharing the gospel of salvation with others. For there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. God always gives us another chance. He is patient and forgiving like that. However, I tell you this, so you know that our time is short here on this earth and as each day passes, God will give you another opportunity to share the rights of others with with them. The Apostle Paul was determined and committed to spread the gospel to others. To the point, he died because of it. For most of us, we will not endure such a price to pay.

How do you share the gospel you might ask? Well, I don't have all the answers. Sure, I have a "religious" one, get your bible out and tell them salvation scriptures, etc.,etc. Yes, that works well. But, I believe that if your heart is truly in the right place and focused on God's love for others, I am praying that the Holy Spirit will guide you with the right words. I distinctly remember the story of the thief on the cross with Jesus. Jesus simply shared the hope and forgiveness with the dying thief, no scriptures were used, but just Jesus's love and compassion shared.(This story is found in the Gospels) Just take a step of faith and watch God use you. Don't make it this religious, "Hell Fire and Damnation" act or this rigid act that takes away from relating to a human being. That never works and God is not like that. He is a gentle, patient, loving God. Shoving it down people's throats only keeps them from Christ. God is in the business of drawing them with His love using the Holy Spirit through you.

Simply, just share the Love of Christ through your example and from that God will guide the rest. This,I am sure of! I have had the honor of witnessing to a few people about Christ. Each one was different, but the end result was beautiful and personal, pointing to love and forgiveness in Christ!

Will you do it? Will I do it? My prayer is, "Please Lord COMPEL us to do so and give us the opportunity to be faithful to share truth and our rights in Christ with others!" There have been many times in my walk that I have not shared for whatever reason, fear, shame or just plain ignorance, but "To Whom Much is given, Much is required!"

May we all understand our responsibilities to not only share the love of Christ but more so our legal rights bound to the Father in Heaven!

Have a blessed, hope filled and righteous day! Don't worry tomorrow's blog won't be so Heavy, but sometimes the truth is necessary. May it do what it is called to do in each of us, transform us and compel us to Christ!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What is Your One Liner?

Wooohooo, it's hump day people! We are 3 days into this week and I still have some motivation and spring left in my step ...However, it is still only morning time and I have had only 1 cup of coffee so far. So having said that, my plans might quickly change considering I am staring at loads of laundry and two toddlers who can quickly work over the United States Army in about 40 seconds flat! But,I say ,"Bring it on, but be gentle, PLEASE!"

Our focus today will be on you! I don't know about you, but I get excited when I get to focus on "me!" Who doesn't? Sometimes I am prone to think about ME, all day long and it seems to me that I am the only one that is okay with that concept. BUT, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions-LOL!

Seriously though, I want to take you to the Book of Romans today to Chapter 1:1, it reads, "Paul, a bond servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God."

Just in that one sentence alone, what is it stating to you about Paul? Before you answer, remember that Paul is writing this about himself. He is introducing himself through a letter to the people of Rome before his visit.

The answer is very simple, Paul is identifying himself as bond servant for the Lord Jesus Christ, an apostle ,SET APART, for the mission of preaching the gospel of God.

Duh, pretty easy, huh? This ain't rocket science people!-LOL! Hang with me, you might just learn something.... But what else do you notice BEHIND his words?.....
He says it with certainty, authority and purpose! Now this is what I am talking about! A man on a mission! Paul knew who he was, Whose he was and what his purpose was AND more importantly, he is able to say it with one sentence, a ONE LINER! Believe me, I am impressed. I have NEVER been able to say anything with just one sentence, or one word for that matter!

Hello??? How does just this one sentence alone speak to you? For me,I was taken back by the clear, simplicity and confidence behind it. He didn't waste a word and quickly stated his business! I like that in a man-LOL! And for a writer it is even better!! But we won't go there....

The Apostle Paul and I could have been running buddies for sure! I admire his confidence and authority in how he conducted himself. He knew without a shadow of a doubt what his life was about and what he was set apart to do and for who! He wasted no time with small talk , he had plans to unfold, a mission at stake and all for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was CROSSeyed as I like to say it!

So many people today, Christians included, have no real understanding of what they are set apart to do. They spend their whole lives trying to have purpose and some of them never find it. I find that so sad and I am sure God finds it even sadder. We were created with purpose people!!!

When we understand our purpose we can change the world and the people around us. How powerful is that? Think about some people you might know who without a shadow of a doubt have a passion for something? They wake up everyday with a goal in mind and do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Most of those people I know are happy and fulfilled. They might be tired sometimes, but they will be quick to tell you, they will be out there tomorrow doing the same thing. No questions asked!

People like that amaze me. They motivate and inspire me. Makes me want to follow them! That is a gift and we all can tap into it just like Paul when we choose to identify our lives with Christ and with His purposes in mind. The Apostle Paul was a very focused, determined, passionate, fearless, truthful, motivated, obedient, courageous, committed servant of the Lord. The list could go on for days. Personally, his resume would make one feel a bit intimidated but with God there is nothing but excellence!

To me, he is the ultimate example to follow because he knew God had him SET APART for His kingdom. What does it mean to be set apart?

The Greek word id Aphorizo which means:

1. to mark off from others by boundaries, to limit, to separate
1. in a bad sense: to exclude as disreputable
2. in a good sense: to appoint, set apart for some purpose

Just so you know, we are ALL called to be servants of the Lord, set apart for the same purpose. However, some of our gifts might look different then Paul's and our mission might not be so challenging.

Not only are we set apart for God but we are also set apart FROM something to. What would that be for you? We are to be set apart from this world for one. I am sure there are more answers as you begin to ask yourself these questions.

We can learn so much from the Apostle Paul and I am so grateful to have his example recorded for us so that we too can learn our purpose in this life and more so in the Kingdom of God.

I leave you with this question to ponder today as you go about your day or business being set apart for worship and glorifying God.

If you had to use a one liner to describe you and your purpose what would it be???

Blog me some answers people! Have a blessed one and know you are purposed for great things!!!

BTW- If you don't know your gifts, you might want to consider taking a spiritual gifts test. You can find them on-lone and some churches even have them. Start there and then allow God to show you your resume and see what kind of Job he has assigned you to.....

Be Bold and Courageous today and GET PURPOSED! - Kimchi Blow

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Face to Face Encounter With God

A Face to Face Encounter Read 2 Kings 4 :8- 37 (The Shunammite's son restored to life)

As you read this passage of scripture, you find that a Shunammite couple open up their home for a traveling Holy man, Elisha, to stay the night in an upper room they have prepared for him, whenever he passes thru their town, Shunem. Elisha was touched by their hospitality and wanted to bless them because of it. He asked the Shunammite woman if there was any way who could repay the favor. She replied, that there was really nothing he could do for her because her needs seemed to be met, but Gehazi, Elisha's servant, knew that this woman was barren and so he told Elisha. After receiving this information, Elisha prophesied over the woman that she would have a son. At first, the woman was not able to receive it because she was afraid that it would not come to pass, but Elisha assured her that the blessing was there. And a year later and she bore a son.

The child grew and one day became ill and died. The desperate Shunammite woman was stricken with such deep grief that she begged her husband to allow her to find Elisha to pray over her son. She traveled and met Elisha and his servant on the road. Elisha hearing of the grave news, sent his servant, Gehazi, ahead of him to lay his staff on the boys head. Willingly, Gehazi traveled ahead and did just as Elisha had asked, but nothing happened.

Eventually, Elisha reached the woman's house and went into the room where the dead boy lay and closed the door. Elisha prayed to God, then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to hands. As he did this, the boy's body grew warm and he was awaken. Obviously, the woman rejoiced that her God delivered him from death!

In this day and age, we are all looking for a miracle such as this. God wants to show us a face to face encounter with him, just like the one we saw in this story. He knows that some of us need it in our lives, whether it is thru broken relationships, marriages, prodigal children, health, finances, whatever the circumstances ,God wants to show you His love. Because, just as you saw in this story, He is a God that shows up on scene and meets you face to face.

Notice, how the Shunammite woman allowed the Holy Man to enter into her home, her life, even before the tragedy took place. We must first invite God into our lives and into our circumstances before he can perform such an act of faith.

Invite God today for a face to face encounter. Allow him to show up on scene for a miracle. You have not, because you ask not and God has been waiting to show you just a glimpse of what He can do for you today.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Moment Pondered.........

What would you do if all your basic necessities like, food, water, shelter, clothing were taken away from you in an instant without any hope in sight to get it back? I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. I pray I never do. It has been said that the human spirit can rise above destruction, devastation and hopelessness and live. But how?

Over the past few days, I have dared to watch the events unfold on television in Haiti from the massive earthquake that hit. The injured people, death, chaos and desperation goes beyond any scope that my mind can relate to. One has to ask if I were there, what would I do? Would I be able to withstand losing all four of my children, knowing they were crushed and buried under some concrete building? Just writing that makes my heart break! How would I ever be able to sustain the human spirit to deal with such loss? Why would I want to?

How does a pregnant woman in labor feel giving birth as the world around her is falling apart and there is no one there to help her in this vulnerable state that she and her baby are in? What does she do? How do already orphaned children who are vulnerable, abandoned and needy as is deal with more disappointment and loss? What do you tell them?

How do you put back together a nation that was already known for its poverty and poor quality of life? Where does the hope come from when you have to tell a husband that his wife and children are trapped and there is no way to get to them? And he has to hear their cries of suffering and he stands helpless?

All of these questions and then some are only a few of the circumstances surrounding Haiti right now. How does this nation try and bury nearly a 100, 000 people and try keep order and control. Where are the answers? Someone please tell me?

Quite simply, there are none.

This is where God has to come in This is where God has to be thought of. This is where God is the answer because He is the one who knows the end from the beginning for us all. I can’t imagine the depths of the situations He deals with and to Him, it is not a problem. Haiti is not far from His heart or deliverance. It simply amazes me the God we serve. To Him, Haiti is a part of the plan, a part of the puzzle that fits within the bigger picture. I marvel at it all . I am HUMBLED by it. I stand in awe of it. It just simply leaves me speechless, but then again that is what standing before an Awesome, Holy God is supposed to do.

Some how when I lay my head on the pillow tonight and pull my warm covers over me, those images will fade away as my mind goes into sleep mode. Hopefully,I will awake refreshed , renewed and alive tomorrow, God willing. I will have but for a moment forgotten about Haiti as I get my warm shower and hot cup of coffee. I will have forgotten until I choose to turn the news on again or read a newspaper, etc. I will have had the opportunity to turn my back on the human suffering that touched me so deeply the night before. And I will still have that choice to shut it off and resume my cushy life as if all is great in the World.

But for God, there is never turning His back. He is constantly thinking about us, His children and His ultimate plan. How does He feel when He watches His plans unfold ? How does He feel when He watches the pain and suffering unveil itself and the cries are so deep it moves the earth to its knees? How does God feel? One can only wonder and imagine how the God and Creator of all the earth must feel?

The character of God is love and everything He does is for love. The depths of that love I can imagine run so deep that it can’t possibly be met by the human soul. It would have to supercede any understanding of any human emotion we would ever experience. One can only imagine.

But I guess that is why God is God. He has always been God, always will be and HE remains true to who He is, the All powerful, All willing, ALL knowing, All exuberant, All trusting, All faithful God HE is. To know Him is to love Him, by human standards, but God is love!

Where this was supposed to go, I don’t know, but I just felt like pondering Him and this world’s position for just a moment. I realized something though, God can’t be explained and the depths of His purposes can’t be either. However, as humans we make the mistake that we can try to even comprehend His thoughts and ways. How foolish we are. But in a way, that is the great mystery and love affair that draws us that much closer and deeper to Him. May it never fail!

I guess in the end, that is why scripture tell us, “Be still and know He is God!”

Nite and Pray for Haiti.......

"Flying is for the Birds!" Learning to Deal With Empty Nest Syndrome- by Kimchi Blow

“Flying is for the Birds!”
Learning to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome.

   Most birds can’t fly until their muscle structure has had time to develop completely. In the meantime, the nest becomes their entire world. Baby birds generally develop a psychological dependence which must be overcome. Their parents begin to teach their babies the importance of flying by remaining a short distance away from the nest during feeding. If the young birds are to survive, they must step away from the nest. More than likely, this means a few hard falls to the ground followed by a long trip back to the safety of the nest where the parents are there for security and more lessons to follow.
Eventually, all of this practice does teach the hatchling about the mechanics of flight. Falls to the ground become less and less as the hatchling learns to stretch its wings to eventually fly. Bird parents continue to encourage their offspring to leave the nest for longer periods of time. Some species actually adopt a tough love policy, leaving the fledglings alone to develop their own flying instincts.

There is something to be considered about the process of Mother Nature and birds learning to fly. As human parents we can definitely relate to the progression in our children. Recently, my oldest daughter left the nest to go live with her father. It was much sooner than I had anticipated but at the same time, I knew it was the right thing for her to do. The day she left was like going through a slow torture in my heart. My emotions were all over the place. Anxiety, doubt, fear, sadness, and hope were just some. It took everything I had that day to put her on a one way trip to Illinois, but somehow it happened.

At the airport, I kept seeing little girls with their mothers.  Memories of her being a toddler overwhelmingly came flooding back to me. The question I kept asking myself was, “Where did the time go?” Sixteen years have come and gone! It just didn’t seem possible that she would be graduating in another year and without me there to see it all unfold.  The plan was for her to be with me but as life circumstances would have it, my plans got foiled.

The airport speaker announced her flight number and the dreaded boarding call began. I just wanted to keep looking at her, studying every detail on her face, like I did the day she was born. I couldn't believe that she was truly all mine! There we stood before she boarded the plane,  myself holding back the tears and choking back the fear of letting go. She then reached over to comfort  me and asked, “You okay?”  I wanted to scream, “No, I am not!” Because the truth was, I wasn’t! My life was changing quickly before me and I couldn’t control it but somehow I had to accept and embrace it! But, why? Ironically, it was the same question that she had asked me over the years  when things in her life were spinning out of control.

So, why do we have to let go and let God at times? Why do we have to learn to trust Him with the issues of our hearts? Why do we have to let our children go one day? All of these questions are certainly pertinent, but are there any real answers? I think I could probably spend a life time trying to figure out the “why's” but instead I would rather just let God deal in that area. My human mind can’t even begin  to fully understand the deep wells of our hearts and how life somehow intricately  flows through each pumping vessel, giving us all the complex emotions that make us human.

It has been only a week now since that emotional farewell. I have had moments of peace and comfort . Also,  of complete grief. Mostly though, I am just walking through the process that thousand of parents go through when rearing children, the letting go part. That is in fact the ultimate goal, isn’t it? From their birth to the point they leave the nest, it is about getting them to that place of independence. It starts when they are toddlers with walking away from you and progresses over the years to almost not needing you at all.  Who knew it would hurt as much as it does? I remember leaving home myself as a young adult. There was a sense of adventure and independence I was gaining. I had a “Nothing can stop me now!” attitude. Not once, did I ever stop to think about what my parents could be possibly feeling. As life would have it, here I stand as a rite of passage , a parent, experiencing the cycle of life.

Looking back on my childrens' childhood I am grateful that I have had so many wonderful ,  precious memories. I still have 3 at home and lucky me, I get to do this saga again! Each one of my children is so unique and hold promises of exciting things ahead. It is a blessing to witness daily the miracle of life complete itself.  Children in the end are the biggest teachers, aren’t they? They have taught me a lot about life , myself, my strengths and more so my weaknesses. I am grateful for the lessons learned and the ones still to come.

I know it has only been a short time since I have entered into this new chapter as a parent, but I am facing it like I try to face most things, with vigor, hope and perseverance. Kayla will be back one day and I am looking forward to the new role I will play in her life. I am still her mother, but there is another level of intimacy still to experience. I may not be there for her every heart break or to greet her in the morning before her day begins, but I believe I am with her where it counts the most, in her heart and mind.

The Word of God tells us to train a child in the way they should go, and they shall not depart from it.(Proverbs 22:6) By faith, I have to believe that I did the best I could with the time I was given with all my children. I am sure there will be days she will feel lonely in life and maybe even hopeless, but my prayer is that the she will remember what her mother did in her times of trial. She cried out to the Lord for strength.

As parents, we only want to see our children prosper. We want to see them be the people God created them to be. Sometimes that may not look like what we had planned for them but again, we have to trust the greater parent at work here, the Heavenly One. God knows their end from the beginning. He had my children in mind before the foundations of this world were ever set in place. He loves them more then I could even dare to imagine to. In the end, they were a loan from Him, the investment was high but I know the dividends will pay off later. Like life, parenting is a journey with many twists and turns and sometimes even hidden detours, but we can be assured that the journey is worth it.  I leave you with this encouragement,  be confident  of this, one day when the time comes for your child or children to get  on that airplane, have peace in knowing, they too will fly!......by Kimchi L. Blow

Friday, January 15, 2010

Small Steps Lead to Promise!

Happy Friday Everyone!
There is something about Friday's that make you feel happy and excited!  Maybe it is the promise of some much needed rest after a long grueling week of work.  Or maybe it is the time you are anticipating spending with a friend or loved one.  Whatever it is, Friday seems to be the universal day of smiles!

As we go into the weekend, I pondered what this week has been like for myself.  As some of you may know, at the beginning of this week, I watched my oldest daughter get on a plane to go live with her dad permanently.  It was in fact, one of the HARDEST things I have ever had to do.  A whirlwind of emotions were stirring inside, anticipation, sadness, grief, anger, hope, you name it!  But the one that stood out the most to me was HOPE.  I have learned to keep HOPE before me in my life because it is the one thought that keeps me in motion. Meaning, it keeps me motivated to move on to brighter days ahead.

It was a STEP of faith for me to send her away because I didn't know for sure and still don't know the end result.  I can only HOPE for the best and wait for it with anticipation and with perseverance as I wait for the promise of God to move across her life.   In the book of Roman's in the bible it states in Chapter 8:24 , " But if we hope for what we do not see with perseverance, we will wait for it eagerly.

Perseverance is key.  We must be willing to work towards that hope, push past normal circumstances or overwhelming feelings to get to that which we are hoping for.  I was thinking about Joshua in scripture and how he too had to take a small step of faith towards hope.  If you read Chapter 3 of Joshua, you see that God commands him to crossover the Jordan River.  Well, it was not a small feat in the least.  The Jordan River at harvest time was at flood stage, but yet God was requiring not only Joshua to cross over the river but for him to lead the whole nation of Israel.  Can you imagine the responsibility and pressure he was feeling?

If you read the rest of Chapter 3, you will see that as Joshua prepared the Israelite 's for this challenge , he was looking to the Lord for His provision, including God in His plan.  He had the Israelite 's consecrate themselves, in other words, "Pray up people!"  As Joshua and Israel began to cross over,  the waters were raging past them but with no fear, Joshua took one step into those fierce waters and a remarkable thing happened, the waters from upstream stopped flowing and piled up.  This was a miracle!  God had been faithful to Joshua's obedience.  Joshua and the Israelite's crossed over into the Promise Land that day! Joshua's hope persevered!

What are the lessons of this story that are pertinent to hope and to our lives?  First of all, in order to have hope, you must be willing to persevere and wait for it, work towards it.  Joshua held the hope for the nation of Israel that they would enter into a better land, a better life ahead.  Secondly, Joshua took his faith and put it into motion. More importantly here is that Joshua was being obedient to what God asked of him, which is the 3rd point. Of course he was scared and he did not have all the answers, but he knew he didn't have to.  He had to trust God with the result, which is the final lesson, trust has to be activated.
Let's review:
2- Faith
4- Trust
These were the same characteristics I had to display in my daughter's situation.  I had the hope that her life would be fulfilled with the promises God had for her, but I had to put that faith into action and be obedient to what I felt God was requiring of me that day.  In the end, I had to trust God that this was the best thing for her and I.

Life is never easy and we will have our trials, but if we learn to have hope, it can lead the way to promise!
What is iT that God is asking you to have hope with today? Are you willing to persevere to wait for that promise that awaits?

Romanns 5:4-5  " We also rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character and character hope! And hope does not disappoint us because God poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us.

Have a HOPE filled Friday!!!