Encouragement and Hope for the Real Woman, Mother, Military Wife, Sister, Daughter and Friend... by Kimchi Lya Blow

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Welcome to "Hope on the Horizon." This blog is created to be a resource that will help you become inspired, motivated, encouraged and transformed into the person God created you to be.
Sometimes in life when we look onto the horizon we may not have that clear, beautiful sunset staring back at us. Instead, we might have an image of hopelessness and despair. As a Military wife and mother of 4 children whose ages range from 2-17, I am familiar with the stresses life throws your way! My past horizons have not always been so bright. But they helped shape me into the woman I am today . Having survived being orphaned in the streets of Vietnam, domestic abuse, divorce , aftermath of abortion and even widowhood, I have learned to persevere and grab hold of my destiny, no matter what the cost! From these places of pain and trials, I have become a woman whose passion is to bring the gift of hope and encouragement to others through inspirational words, practical tips and advice.
No matter what your present horizon is, there is always hope for a better future. All things are possible when you allow yourself the opportunity to be all you were created to be. So, please come along for a journey where the destination is not always known but the trip itself is worth every bump in the road to get there. Hope is just on the Horizon!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Back to Basics....by Kimchi Blow
Wow, it has been a hectic week to say the least! My daughter, Anastasia, was in and out of the ER for breathing issues due to severe bronchitis. My husband, Craig, had a vasectomy done. So between taking care of them and my two other children, I have been challenged to say the least. On top of that, I ended up getting sick too, but this too shall pass. I have been determined to survive! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
However, there were some moments, I found myself complaining out loud and in my head, but I quickly realized that was NOT helping me any or anyone else for that matter-LOL! Actually, it only made matters worse because my attitude got worse and was contagious. Talk about needing to hold my thoughts captive to Christ, believe me, Jesus needed to grab hold of my head and keep it!-LOL! Just being honest people, I am not always the best example. That flesh and Spirit battle is constantly warring!!! In fact, I used the word "freaking"( really wanting to say the other word!) while talking to my son at one time and he gave me this look which obviously convicted me. I am sure if you are a parent, you know what I mean. I had to apologize to him for my impatience and bad example.
At any rate, one of the things I kept coming to this week was the need for simplicity. I looked around my house and became overwhelmed at times as I saw things pile up,laundry, dishes, and just stuff! I knew there was a lot I needed to be doing but just couldn't. Of course, the enemy wanted me to focus on all the negative, but I was able at times to resist the temptation. Inside, I was screaming for a simple life! In other words, I didn't want all the chaos around me, and the need to always be doing, accomplishing, etc. I so needed a Calgon moment, "Calgon, take me away!" Maybe that is not the best way to describe it, but I longed for rest and simplicity. Just to enjoy my life and not the stresses of it. Just who I was with, who I was and who was my God!Nothing more, nothing less!
I began to realize more and more that our lives become so complex. The need for things, events, schedules, stuff, etc. In my life, I began to think of things I need and don't need. In other words, I spend a lot of time on cooking, laundry, etc. Yes, I know that we can't cut both out of our lives completely, but we can make it more simple. Why does my family need for me to cook every night? They don't but I have taken on the lie that if I cook every night, therefore I am a great wife and mother. Stupid, really when you think about it. I am a great mom and wife regardless of what I do, just by who I am in Christ. Fact is , if I spent less time in the kitchen, I would have more time to with my family . Plus, I would have more energy and more money.
I also spent my time cleaning out my closets and dresser drawers. I was stunned with how many clothes I actually have. Also, to think I eventually have to wash all of them at some point. I am too embarrassed to even say how many shirts I actually own. I know I don't need 4 black t-shirts. I mean, really? I have a freakish habit of needing to have all kinds of t-shirts in every color. Why? I don't know. Some people have a shoe fettish, mine is t-shirts. Can't really say where that comes from-LOL!
Sometimes, we make life overwhelming without meaning to. Our culture is part of the problem. Just looking at the world and our nation right now, stresses me out! If you trun on the news, it is all negative! Our nation's economy is a mess and can't help but feel that we are missing it. No, in fact, I know we are!! Back to basics people! Back to Basics! Life back in the day was not this complicated, but between video games, computers, FaceBook, e-mail, cell phones, Twitter, etc.. Life just keeps gettting more and more hectic and overwhelming. What happened to just reading a good book and playing simple catch in the backyard with your kids? Or better yet, go for a picnic with a lunch you prepared and was not packaged at some fast food Restraunt.
I am not sure what I am feeling in my spirit, but I know this much is true, God is still God. Being still and knowing He is God brings me comfort. It brings me to a neutral place of security and peace. It allows me to take a breath and put aside the troubles of my day. To sit beside those still waters and take a drink of living water! I love just sitting in quiet and taking a deep breath, His breath- of peace and love!
This week, as I go throughout my week, I plan on simplifying things, right down to my thoughts, what I eat, what I do with my time, etc. Actually, I have been working on this for a few seasons now but I am sensing that it is becoming more crucial as we get closer to Christ's return. We need to return to our first Love, Jesus Christ!I encourage you to do the same thing. Life is stealing from our "Life!" This is the life that Jesus said we could live abundantly!
I love this scripture, "My soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in you; YES in the shadow of your wings will I take refuge.....Psalm 57:1 Amp
Get Back to Basics and just eat, breathe and sleep Jesus!
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